Thursday, September 29, 2005

Shopping at night

After work today I went to the 24-hour open gas-station to get some food and also some toiletpaper. The 8 rolls of TP had a price of $8,50 and here`s the following conversation:
ME: -Ka i helsikke? (nice version of what the...)

Cashier: - Paper is expensive!

ME: -Not that expensive

Cashier: -We`re saving the rain forest!

ME: Your saving the christmas table !

(Not translatable; a business that`s going ok in Norway, usually gives their employee a nice dinner and a party around christmas times)


Blogger Brit Og Stian said...

Well, BJ. That's how it goes when you go shopping in the middle of the night, instead of during the day when it's normal!!! You should move to the counrty (Hommersåk), then this would never happen! Our gas-station closes at 23.00 o'clock :) Money saved!

6:21 PM  
Blogger Brit Og Stian said...

kult bilde, by the way

6:40 PM  
Blogger BøllaBJ said...

do you think it`s a cool picture, that`s nice of you to say Brit, I was trying to act sort of like shocked, and as you can see I am an amature actor. Also thank you, but no thank you for the moving tips: Hommersåk and I are not friends!

6:48 PM  
Blogger Brit Og Stian said...

That is not my fault! You drank too much, not me( or..), anyway. I know you like my ostekaga (cheesecake), so I know I will see you again soon :)

6:51 PM  
Blogger BøllaBJ said...

haha, that`s funny stuff Brit, but I really don`t know what your talking about. (High-pitched voice):- Hold kjeft!

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

koffor har du slettet den kommetaren til marianne?

5:08 AM  
Blogger Brit Og Stian said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:41 AM  
Blogger Brit Og Stian said...

For den va upassande og perverse, någe så ikje egne seg på denne siå :>

7:44 AM  
Blogger Brit Og Stian said...

ka skjer me bjørnar? kor e bølla? Har ikje sitt livstegn fra deg på ei stonn....

2:59 PM  
Blogger Brit Og Stian said...

Bjørnar, du meine at du har et voksanne publikum på denne siå, d tror eg ikje någe på. Folk muste interessen når d går sååå lange ti mellom kver gang der komme nye post :P

4:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bølla har sovnet.

4:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

drugs and ladies everywhere man, what`s this guy`s fucking secret"

6:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who do you think you are? horsedick?

6:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dasspapir e for bj som lørdagsgodtet e for oss andre: ukas høydepunkt! la gutten få ha rullene sine i fred!

6:38 AM  
Blogger BøllaBJ said...

I know the last three comments is from Steinar and we`ll just have to excuse his language. We all know that I`m careful with drugs, not a "player", about the horsedick, we`re not sure!

6:47 AM  

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